
Field-Map software installation and DEMO version

Get a free DEMO version of Field-Map software

Field-Map Description and Leaflets

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Field-Map leaflet
Field-Map Software and Hardware Catalogue

Example projects

Standing volume assessment
Forest management planing
Natura 2000
Forest research plots
National forest inventories
Operational forest inventories


Carbon inventory of rehabilitated dipterocarp forest in Sabah, Malaysia
In Transcarpathia, Ukraine, GIS aids Statistical Forest Inventory, ArcNews
Praktische Felddaten-Erfassung, Forstzeitung
A new technique for inventory of permanent plots in tropical forests: a case study
from lowland dipterocarp forest in Kuala Belalong, Brunei Darussalam, Blumea
Применение передовой технологии Field-Map в лесном и садово-парковом хозяйстве: опыт чешско-украинского проекта ТехИнЛес
Передовые измерительные технологии для лесного хозяйства, Лесоводсво
Инвентаризация и картографирование зеленых насаждений с помощью полевой ГИС Field-Map
Euroforest 2010, De la foret aux chiffres
Field-Map: uno strumento innovativo al servizio della selvicoltura
Field-Map, una nuova tecnologia per la raccolta e lelaborazione dati

License Agreement

Field-Map License Agreement
Field-Map License Agreement for Users with Academic Discount