Statistická inventarizace lesa Statistická inventarizace lesa

The aim of the statistical forest inventory is to provide comprehensive information about the state and dynamics of forests for strategic and management planning. Field-Map has a full functionality to support any type of statistical forest inventory. The Russian National Forest Inventory (the largest NFI programme worldwide) is one of the best examples of the Field-Map capacity to manage extensive databases and support multiple field teams. Other NFI programs using Field-Map are Ireland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Iceland, Cape Verde, Belgium, Hungary and Ukraine.

The above mentioned inventory programs demonstrate that the use of the Field- Map technology in statistical forest inventory optimizes the costs and accuracy of the collected data and final results. Even in cases with a relatively low number of inventory plots, the data evaluation often yields a desired accuracy of the final results while optimizing the costs of the whole NFI inventory campaign. For this, specifically effective has been the statistical data processing by Field-Map, which dramatically reduced the time for data processing and reporting..

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